kama.ai Joins RESEAU’s Community Circle™

kama.ai Joins RESEAU’s Community Circle™

VANCOUVER – December 7, 2022 – RESEAU, Centre for Mobilizing Innovation, announces that it is expanding its network of strategic partners to include the Indigenous business and conversational intelligence provider kama.ai.  We are very happy to add a new customer to...
Celebrating Truth and Reconciliation Day – 2022

Celebrating Truth and Reconciliation Day – 2022

On this day— only the second National Day for Truth and Reconciliation in Canada, kama.ai wishes to recognize the good things that have happened over the last 12 months. Firstly, we must acknowledge that the first Truth and Reconciliation Day in Canada came only...
ESG to Attract Employees and Retain them as a Strategy

ESG to Attract Employees and Retain them as a Strategy

“Throughout the past years, society has seen a shift in values. There is an increased desire by companies to demonstrate their social responsibility. In effect ESG to attract employees and retain them, has become an increasingly important strategy. This demand for a...