Brian Ritchie Speaks at AI Activism Workshop by Forus

Brian Ritchie,, Felicia Anthonio, #KeepItOn coalition, and Dr. Moses Isooba, Executive Director of UNNGOF for Forus Workshop on AI Activism CEO Brian Ritchie joined Dr. Moses Isooba, Executive Director of UNNGOF and Felicia Anthonio of the #KeepItOn coalition in an AI activism workshop hosted by Forus on February 26.

The digital event was open to the public—fitting, as much of the conversation centred equitable internet access. Anthonio kicked off the discussion by introducing the #KeepItOn coalition led by Access Now, outlining the negative impact of internet shutdowns on human rights, freedom of expression, access to information, economic development, and more. The coalition calls on governmental bodies to implement policies that ensure free, open, and secure internet for all.

Not only is it vital that internet is accessible, but it is also important that language diversity is prioritized, particularly in aid-related contexts, according to Dr. Isooba. The dominance of Latin languages across the web and within Large Language Models (LLMs) creates a linguistic barrier for international and Indigenous users who wish to access valuable digital resources. Dr. Isooba’s work in AI activism perpetuates a post-colonial approach.

This segued well into Brian’s introduction of’s human-in-the-loop technology, kama DEI, which can provide equitable access to accurate information while eliminating colonial language, hallucinations, or biased messages that may be generated by LLMs. kama DEI’s human-governed knowledge base is ethical, value-based, and more energy efficient than LLMs, which consume massive amounts of energy. Furthermore, Brian discussed how ethical emotion AI can be used to support the work of Indigenous-focused community organizations, such as RESEAU and Wahkowtoin, in a meaningful, sustainable way.